
This website is a tribute to my Grandfather called Fred

While as far as I believe my Grandfather wasn't an activist, he inadvertently inspired my new form of revolution...

This is The Frederation, a new site that hopes to become an operating system eventually. However, I need your help to make sure this site remains as anonymous and private as possible as my coding knowledge is very basic!

So where do you come in? My intention for this to be an embeddable OS in all systems; however, I do not condone any illegal activity that could potentially be made with this project, and any mockery of Fred will not be tolerated.

    Let's make an instructional guide for ever as a lifelong tribute to Fred.

  1. Step 1:

    Make the intentions clear to people potentially interested!
  2. Step 2:

    Some words of wisdom to help you along your way

    "Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything".

    Mr. Miyagi From the Karate Kid
  3. Step 3:

    Research (by now you should have realized this is a to-do list of what is coming up on this site)

Thank you for sticking around, and I hope you continue to monitor my progress on this website.



He wouldn't have described himself as a hobbyist or tinkerer, but he certainly was.


Where as I love Ikea add-backgrounds

His first job as far as I remember chronologically involved...


He was also in the merchant navy although I respect the fact he didn't really talk about it at all and well we're both and I should imagine all of us are pro peace ✌️


His Hobbies Were

  • Traditional forms of art such as painting
  • photography
  • He even made an educational computer game to help people learn the alphabet however sadly he never published this. I don't think he ever wanted to although I may add it to this site just 🐻 in 🧠 it was made in Delphi and well the graphics give that a way and that's just scratching the surface

    My Earliest Memory Of Him is, which ofcourse was


    is this little ride on model train we used to go on in the park nearest them. I doubt it exists anymore or that they would let me go on it again but if they did it would be very nostalgic for me

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